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Ixir supports the University of Helsinki MOOC Center in online course development

The University of Helsinki MOOC Center maintains the platform, which offers open online courses. These courses are also a part of the university’s curriculum.


Since 2023, Ixir has been assisting the university’s teaching and research staff in course development through the Global Campus project, which concluded at the end of 2024, and ongoing collaborations with the MOOC Center. Ixir’s role has been tailored to the specific needs of each project.


Inka Nokso-Koivisto from Ixir has led course projects, provided feedback and developed course scripts, designed learning experiences, and assisted in building courses on platforms. Additionally, Ixir’s partners have contributed to the production of course videos and illustrations.


So far, three courses have been developed with Ixir’s support, spanning three different faculties: Humanities, Agriculture and Forestry, and Medicine. Two of these have been implemented on the platform, while one has been launched on the shared Digicampus platform used by Finnish universities.

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Indigenous traditional knowledge and sustainability

Sustainable Stewardship of Nature and Indigenous Ecological Knowledge, published in 2024, Digicampus


Saara Kekki and Rani-Henrik Andersson from the Faculty of Humanities were developing an introductory course for students in the Cultural Studies Bachelor's program at the University of Helsinki. The course explores the relationship between Indigenous traditional knowledge and sustainability thinking. It was decided that the course would be implemented as a MOOC.


Ixir was invited to support the course development. Inka Nokso-Koivisto from Ixir contributed to writing the course script and assignments, as well as brainstorming the implementation methods.


The result is a comprehensive online course that broadens students’ understanding of Indigenous perspectives on nature, the impacts of colonialism and the dismantling of its structures, and, more broadly, the various meanings of sustainability.


The course approaches these topics through key research concepts while also amplifying the voices of Indigenous representatives. Unique interviews were conducted for the course, featuring Indigenous speakers from around the world sharing their perspectives on nature.


The course is now available on the Digicampus platform and is open to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the role of traditional knowledge in building a more sustainable future.

Developing healthcare through design thinking

Human-Centered Development in Healthcare (in Finnish), published in 2024, platform


This course from the Faculty of Medicine explores the development of healthcare services through the lens of design thinking. In service development based on design thinking, all those affected by the services—both users and professionals—are actively involved in the development process. This approach leads to more human-centered services that better accommodate everyone’s needs.


The course makes the principles of design thinking accessible within the context of social and healthcare services, providing participants with practical tools for improving healthcare processes, services, and products.


The course was developed at the Faculty of Medicine by University Lecturers Jaana-Maija Koivisto and Anja Terkamo-Moisio, in collaboration with the City of Helsinki and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. 


Ixir played a multifaceted role in the course development, including:


  • Project management, ensuring the course progressed smoothly and on schedule through each phase.

  • Facilitating scriptwriting and learning design, structuring the course content to be clear and impactful.

  • Technical implementation, supporting the production of podcasts and building the course on the platform.


Additionally, Ixir’s partners produced the course videos, and an illustrator created a visually appealing and fresh course design.


The course is now openly available on the platform. While it is part of a master's program in healthcare development, it is also suitable for anyone interested in healthcare innovation and design thinking more broadly.


Illustration: Eero Saarikoski

New wood-based materials and sustainable development

Novel Wood-Based Materials, published in 2025, platform


Did you know that wood-based materials open up entirely new possibilities not only for construction and packaging but also for the food and pharmaceutical industries? Some of these innovations are already on the market, while others are still being refined in laboratories. Among the emerging solutions are exciting hybrid materials that combine wood with living organisms such as fungi. 


A master's level course in forest sciences introduces students to ecologically sustainable wood-based materials and their applications.


As part of the course project, an Ixir expert was responsible for a significant portion of the course script and learning design, transforming complex material science content into an understandable and student-centered learning experience. Additionally, they built the course on the platform, ensuring a smooth and accessible learning experience.


The course’s subject matter expert is Associate Professor Tuula Jyske from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The course provides up-to-date insights into sustainable development and the latest innovations in forest sciences. It is designed for forestry students but is also open to anyone curious about the vast potential of wood as a material.

Fungi and plant materials

Ilustration: Ninni Westerholm

Ixir’s Flexible Support for Online Course Projects Across Faculties


In the University of Helsinki’s MOOC Center courses, Ixir has taken on different roles based on the needs of each project. In some cases, the focus has been on pedagogical design and scriptwriting, while in others, technical course development or project management has been the primary task.


The result is a collection of student-centered courses that enhance the university’s educational offerings while also providing open learning opportunities for a wider audience.

“Inkan kyky omaksua täysin uutta akateemista sisältöä ylitti kaikki odotukset! Hän ei ainoastaan tarjonnut yleisiä teknisiä ratkaisuja vaan aidosti paransi kurssin sisältöjä ja tuotti juuri meidän kurssillemme sopivia materiaaleja. Inkan innostus oli tarttuvaa ja paransi myös muiden osallistujien motivaatiota.”

Rani-Henrik Andersson ja Saara Kekki, Helsingin yliopisto

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