Services for Universities
High-Quality Online Courses – At the Core of Future Learning
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offer universities an opportunity to enhance societal impact, promote lifelong learning, and attract new students. When seamlessly integrated into broader curricula, online courses can achieve excellent learning outcomes while increasing the flexibility and appeal of degree programs. However, these benefits are realized only when MOOCs are designed and implemented with expertise.
What sets a successful MOOC apart from a mediocre one? Expertise.
Online courses are a unique form of teaching and publishing. Self-paced online learning differs significantly from group instruction in a lecture hall or even in virtual classrooms. Research into effective methods for asynchronous online learning is ongoing, and technological solutions are advancing at a rapid pace.
Ixir keeps pace with these developments and provides universities with comprehensive services for designing and implementing MOOCs. Our services combine a refined course development process, robust expertise in online pedagogy and communication, and in-depth knowledge of educational technology.

Why do universities need experts for e-learning design?
Pedagogical Impact
A high-quality MOOC is not simply a series of recorded lectures uploaded to Moodle. It is a pedagogically designed whole that supports self-paced learning while motivating and engaging learners. A meaningful learning experience is crafted through a carefully structured course script and diverse, purpose-driven implementation methods. -
Time Savings and Efficient Use of Resources
Researchers are experts in their own fields and often have strong pedagogical expertise. So, why would universities need external specialists for e-learning? Creating a high-quality online course requires skills in online pedagogy, educational technologies, and project management – competencies that would be an additional burden for already busy researchers. With Ixir, you can free up your staff's time for their core tasks while ensuring that your online course is developed efficiently and to the highest standards. -
Communicative Effectiveness
A good MOOC captures the attention and engagement of its participants. This is achieved not only through pedagogical choices but also through deliberate communication strategies. A polished visual design, clear language, and a coherent course structure are elements that make an online course stand out. Professional-quality videos and audio recordings are also integral parts of a successful MOOC. -
Long-Term Savings
While implementing a high-quality online course requires an initial investment, a well-designed and executed course pays for itself over time. Savings are realized when a MOOC reaches a large audience and allows faculty and researchers to focus on topics requiring instructor-led group teaching. MOOCs also facilitate open university studies and cross-institutional learning opportunities, which are often rewarded by higher education funding mechanisms.

As experts in higher education, Ixir specializes in designing online courses specifically for universities. Dr. Inka Nokso-Koivisto, Ixir's founder and e-learning specialist, has extensive experience teaching and working at the University of Helsinki. Our expert network, which collaborates with Ixir on course production, includes science communication professionals from various fields.
At Ixir, we understand the unique characteristics of the academia and help make online courses a powerful part of your institution's teaching portfolio.
Would you like to learn more or discuss your project? Get in touch with us!
Ixir's Solutions for Universities
Ixir offers a wide range of expert services for flexible, time- and location-independent learning. Below are some examples of services that might interest you.